
The mysterious world of MONICA CROESE


Queen * 131294


Cathy said...

Hi, thanks for your visit to my blog and the link to the graveyards site. He has some gorgeous photos and I was quite intrigued by the extras as you said. Makes me want to visit there and take some pictures of those gorgeous sculptures.

I like your art style - very spontaneous and graphic and imaginative.

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Hi there Cathy, thanks for your comment. I thought you would like the graveyards site also. I also have a blog about graveyards as well, with stone angels, poetry..... http://hetkoninkrijkkerkhof.web-log.nl/
The last post there, is that a photograph of yours? I saw the same picture on your blog. If so i am allowed to have it on my site? Ofcourse i will credit you and place your name.