
The mysterious world of MONICA CROESE


The things you don't see

The things you don't see, that's relevant in my life right now. My health isn't good at the moment, i'm mentally fine but frustrated because my body is letting me down. Big time! But you don't see a thing, i'm looking fine. So people don't understand and sometimes rejecting me. Because of the things they don't see, don't understand. Tired? I hear them think... everybody is tired once in awhile, but i wish i could be tired in a healthy way. Not the devouring tiredness i experience right now, not able to do anything at all. A prisoner in my own home. A nice home, but still.
I know i'll survive, that better times with lots of energy is coming again. I've accepted my disease and the physical consequences that comes with it. But i find it difficult to deal with the ignorance of others, feeling guilty all the time. I don't blame them, but it's very frustrating.
This is a reminder to all, including myself. Don't reject other people, because there are always things you don't see.

I also wanna let you know that there are blogs i can't leave a comment on. I don't know why and how i can change that. Know that i am reading and enjoying all blogs i follow.
Fill your days with joy and i wish you all lots of creative energy!

The things you don't see no. 1
The things you don't see no. 2


Brian Sylvester said...


Sending you peace and good energy to you! Like you said, everything will come back around and all will be well.


Caio Fern said...

Hey exhausted girl, you are producing more and better than many "healthy" people out there.
yes, it is sad when people don't understand the intimacy of specic aspects.
But you are going to get much better, don't worry.
the works are full of life ;)
God bless you.

Patricia said...

Sending you a wish for goodness and light.

Denise SCARAMAI said...

yes there are many things we do not see!
especially in ourselves ...
I like you very much and I believe that soon your health will be restored!
go through phases, and ran out of patience ...
believe, image, feel strong and healthy, that your body works well and your favor!
and leave it on account of your 'creative energy' that is able to restore you = are 'also things not seen'!

a bear hug, as a sister,
dear Monica!

Bitch said...

Sometimes writing about our problems
is already a way out and a small relief...
Your friends are right behind you with their comments..
Your paintings are breathtaking!

Sending my love and good wishes

Gabriella said...

Dear Monica! So sorry to hear that your health has not been good lately. There is a big difference between "healthy tired" and the kind of exhaustion that comes with an illness. Sometimes people do not understand illness if there are no obvious outward signals, they dismiss and belittle the sufferer. But your true friends support you - which includes both what is seen on the surface and everything that is unseen - these are the things you feel with your heart and imagination. I join your friends here in sending you positive healing energy! Your new works are strong, with the classic Momo Luna palette of monochrome with bold wild red! Beautiful. All the best to you, my dear.

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Hi there Brian,
so good to see you here. Thanks for the good thoughts! yes, all will be well again, i know that...
Hugs and kisses for you.

Hello Caio,
it's frustrating to explain over and over and not be understood, but as a matter of fact i do understand it also. I can imagine that it must be frustrating for my collegues as well, that i am sick again.....
Hugs and kisses sweet friend!

Thank you so much Patricia. I really appreciate this a lot!

Yes, you have a point there dear Denise: especially in ourselves. Oh my, this is so true, but i try to be honest about myself as well, to all my flaws, even if i don't like them.;-)
I like you very much also, thank you sweetheart.
Yes my disease goes thru phases, and i can live with that, but feeling guilty towards others about it is killing me.
Yes, my creative energy is helping me for sure, for not becoming crazy. And it gives me lots of trust and good feelings.
I love your bear hug a lot! Hugs and kisses back to you dear sister friend!

Hi there sweet Monika,
yes writing about this was indeed a relief. I thank you a lot for your friendship, support and sweet comments. They bring good energy.

Last but not least, hi there dear Gabriella!
so good seeing you here. and so sorry i cannot comment on your blog, don't know why.....
Dismiss and belittle, yes you\re so right. Todat i had my boss on the line, and i could hear in her voice she didn't understand at all about me being sick. I don't blame her i really don't, but i am so sad that people think i am not sick at all. That they don't get it how it must feel being a prisoner of your body, not be able to do the things you love, or even to do the things you don't love (housekeeping) To feel tired all the time but keep going, and to feel exhausted at some times, and all you can do is sleeping. That is no fun, it takes away the joy of life. So have to pay a big price in these periods.
I am so happy to have you as a friend, and reading your sweet comments means a lot to me, more than a lot in fact!
All the best to you also, and i\m sending you all my love and kisses....

Lila said...

dear monica, all the best wishes for you..i love your work..and your blog-music! it's perfect together! greetings, lila

Anonymous said...

Know what you mean about the difference between healthy tiredness and illness tiredness it really is a drag! hope you feel better soon love xx