
The mysterious world of MONICA CROESE


To protect you

Work in progress, not yet finished. Drawing on SCHELDE wood-pulp free smooth cardboard, 250 grs. 65 x 77.5 cm


Rachel said...

Ach liebe Monica,

du überrascht mich immer wieder aufs Neue, deine Ideen sind einfach einmalig!

Herzlichst, Rachel

Caio Fern said...

this is so exiting and diferent , i want to see what is going to be when finished . i liked the little "pet" too .

Manon said...

Yes!! I agree with Caio!! This piece is very exciting! I love the hearts coming out of the mouth!!

Yvette said...

kan niet wachten tot het af is...


Ria Vanden Eynde said...

leuk om het zo 'half-af' te kunnen bekijken. Ik vind je tekenstijl en beeldentaal erg boeiend!

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Oh i haven't answered your comments. I'm so sorry, i have the feeling of running behind the facts (is this a right english expression?) lately.
Danke liebe Rachel, i sure do hope to surprise people with my art. :-)

Yes Caio, i love the little pet also. Sometimes i surprise myself after noticing what i draw or painted. I'm sure you know this feeling also.

Thank you lovely Manon, it doesn't surprise me at all that you love the hearts. ;-D

Dank je Yvette, momenteel ligt het even stil wegens oververmoeidheid helaas.
Kus voor jou en ik hoop dat je je goed voelt.

Dank je Ria, ja zo half af en dan later kunnen zien welke weg je bent ingeslagen. Ik vind jouw beeldentaal en stijl ook erg mooi. :-)

Caio Fern said...

i know this feeling :D

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

I can imagine Caio, i know you do. :-D