
The mysterious world of MONICA CROESE


Work in progress

It was such lovely weather, so i could paint in the garden.

How a city grows upon my canvas..........

Detail; earthmother needs some air.

~Dream about green horizons and fresh air~


Martine said...

He wat leuk je te leren kennen!
En ik zie dat jij ook van witte muren houdt.
Earthmother needs some air............ so do we.
Dus was ik ook de hele dag buiten. Have fun Momo!

jorge tejera ( 1956 ) said...

Hola Momo Me GUSTA mucho . VEO LOS CUATRO elementos !!! me gustó el detalle .madre tierra ...
Aqui a la Madre tierra en idioma nativo (NO ESPAÑOL) Se dice : "Pacha Mama " . Un abrazo latinoamericano !!!

Cris said...

The creator and her creature!!!
A magic moment. I loved see this.

Hugs, dear Momo!

Brian Sylvester said...


It is so wonderful to see you doing what you do best! The painting is magnificant so far, and I can't wait to see it's progress. You make me smile!

A great week to you,

Denise SCARAMAI said...

great to see you and your work,
and the stages of painting, by the way is magnificent!
so significant, I loved it!
hugs! :D

Aleks said...

You all look great :O)good luck!!X

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Hallo Martine! :-D
ik hou niet specifiek van witte muren, deze was al zo toen we er kwamen wonen. Maar we lieten het wel zo....
En ik had vandaag ook plezier. De hele dag buiten op het voetbalveld haha. Mijn jongste had een toernooi.

Hi Jorge; i like that: Pacha Mama. Thanks for your comment.

Thanks Crissant, i'm happy you like it. Hugs for you too!

Hi Brian, i make you smile again i think. And thát makes me smile.
I wish for you also a great week.

Hello Denise, yes, i thought it would be fun to see how things grow and change while painting. And i had as a birthday present a digital camera, so now i can make better photographs i hope. ;-)I'm glad you like it.
Hugs for you also.

Thanks dear ALeks and xxx for you!

Rachel said...

Liebste Monica,

das muss herrlich sein, in freier Natur, die Farben so vor Augen, ich wünsche dir immer Sonne

herzlichst, Rachel

Annie said...

Heerlijk weertje om buiten te schilderen.
Je werk is af of toch bijna af, zie ik. De symboliek is duidelijk.

Kees said...

Het is altijd leuk als er zo maar iemand komt kijken en dan ook nog een commentaar achter laat. En als altijd nieuwsgierig even wezen kijken wie daar dan achter steekt. Een collega kunstenaar! en dan telt het compliment extra zwaar. Leuk momo en en bedankt, intrigerende dingen trouwens die jij maakt echte doorkijker en denkertjes.

SKIZO said...


Unknown said...

Hi there !
I can see that this one will be so good !
Best wishes from Liv

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Danke liebe Rachel,
yes it's herrlich draussen zu sein. Painting and drawing as the birds sing in the trees and bumblebees softly buzzing their song. I love bumblebees. :-)
Ich wunsche viele sonnenschein fur dich also.

Dank je wel voor je reactie Annie. Ja, het werk is bijna af, dat klopt. Nog wat puntjes op de i. ;-)

Hallo Kees en welkom.Leuk je hier te zien en dank je wel voor je reactie.

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Thank you so much Skizo.

Hi there Liv,
thank you for your kind words. I'm happy you find it good, because i adore your work a lot.
All best wishes in return for you....

jbkrost said...

when is it going to be done?
you can't keep us waiting like this!
(kidding) looks good!
greetings from America

Harnett-Hargrove said...

This is a nice process piece... I do love the primaries. !!! -J

Yvette said...

buiten zijn is zo fijn....een beetje lucht voor moedeer aarde is een must !


Harry Kent said...

great to actually see you at work Momo. And this wonderfully positive image you have painted. It may well be about mother earth under the weight of our technology, but I also read it as an image of resurrection, an angel of light calling the sleeper out of the tomb of darkness

Walter said...

Dat ziet er uit als een heerlijk bevrijdend buitenwerk!

Karin Bartimole said...

I really love this painting, and I appreciate getting to see the scale, with you standing working on it! Glad you got to enjoy the day while creating.

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Hi JB,
soon my friend, soon! ;-)

Thank you Jayne, i appreciate it.

Ja, dat is zo Yvette. Vandaag ook weer heerlijk in de tuin gewerkt en in de tuin geschilderd.

Yes, that's right Harry, resurrection. But at the same time; my angels aren't (always) innocent. And this angel is sowing. Let's hope he's sowing light.

Het was ook heerlijk buiten Walter. Vandaag weer. :-)

Yes Karin and today i was again in the garden creating. Lovely weather and life's good.
Sweet greetz for you.

Sharmon Davidson said...

Very cool piece! I see the city as a symbol of man, and what we are doing to harm mother nature. Perhaps the figure could represent oil (BP)! I love the way you did the earth mother, too.

Caio Fern said...

this is a brave work .
the male figure is so pretty and strong .
so opened and secure . ... and ethereal .
i liked the colors .

and you.... oh.......
you lied to me ....
your breasts are bigger and hotter thank i thought .
why did you hide the game ?
yummy !!!


neat post - your images have many layers - great piece!!

Whitney-Anne Baker said...

this is very powerful!!