
The mysterious world of MONICA CROESE


What is it?

It must be spring, it sure is looking at this drawing. Because of the beautiful weather (and being busy as well) i spend my time outdoors as much as possible. That's the reason i am not too often behind my desk staring at the computer.  But at the end of the week the weather will be colder again and rainy,  giving me time to pay a visit to all my favourite blogs again. I promise, okay? ;-)
Friends, enjoy spring or fall, both such wonderful seasons of the year. 


nouvelles couleurs - vienna atelier said...

oh Monica spending tome outside is beautifull... and the fact that you want to go outside is beautifull too... in the last time I spend to much inside... because i search inspiration that doesen't come...

Bitch said...

Yes, my dearest.. Laura and Monica!!
Life is short!!!


Caio Fern said...

i posted here :

will-Art said...

Wonderful work!

merci33 said...

I am so happy to see your beautiful
work for the spring!

Being outdoors as much as possible is so wise...thanks for reminding us!

Go outside and play in the sunshine and in the moon light!


Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Yes Laura, it's wonderful to be outside, but the last few days are very cold again. We were spoiled with the good weather because it was too warm for the time of the year. Your last post was heartfelt dear friend.
Kisses i send to you!

Your comment makes me smile Monika, you are dear to me also.

I saw it Caio, thank you my friend!

Thank you so muxch Will!

Hi Donna,
i love sunshine, but the moon is my real sister. :-)
Yes it's good to be outside, sometimes i am so busy that i don;t make time to enjoy nature. But it;s so good for the soul....
Hugs for you!

Willy. said...

Momo, thanks a lot for the visite!
Good signals are always welcome!Amazing artworks...
Nice week-end,Willy

Leovi said...

I like that delightful composition is like a beautiful dream of spring. Greetings and happy weekend.

briansylvesterart said...


I am playing catch up lately, but I wanted to stop by to wish you well and let you know that I was thinking about you.

I hope the tee shirt arrived safely, and I can't wait to hear a report and maybe see some photos.

Wishing you much peace for the coming weekend!


Gabriella said...

Monica - have you been taking in some of Renilde's special blue? In this piece I can see the affinity between your styles - now I know why I love you both! Have a great week and enjoy spring!

Anonymous said...

The music in here is beautiful! Hope you're having a great start to your Spring. Many happy creative days to you Momo.

Harry Kent said...

Yes, life can get in the way of blogging, even of painting - don't i know it!

Ah Spring, time of horniness, ova and sperm, flowers and butterlies. Great image.

Here in Tasmania it's all falling leaves and fallowness - beautiful in its own way.

Edith said...

Meine Liebe,

so wundervoll drückst du den Frühling aus, ich bin begeistert und wünsche dir eine gute Zeit
draußen im Garten, eben im Frühling...

deine Rachel

Anonymous said...

hi Momo, stopping by with a hug.. and very much enjoying seing your new creations. hope all is well with you sweet lady x

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Hi there Willy thank you for the visit and your comment. And your welcome.

Hi Leovi,
a dream of spring, i like that. Yes i am a dreamer..... Sweet greetz.

Hello Brian, my dear friend,

nice to see you again. I understand about ctaching up, for not being on the internet that much myself. You and Gabriella also are in my thoughts, for being nice friends.
Sweet greetz and hugs for you!

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

What a nice comment Gabriella,
yes that wonderful blue of Renilde. I also love her art very much. It's nice having wonderful friends like her and you.
Kisses and hugs!

Hello Joni,
yes we had a wonderful start of spring, then lots of rain and cold days, yesterday very warm and nice and the rest of this week rain, dark clouds and colder, so it seems. But the plants are growing fast and blossoming, the birds are making nests and are singing, i love the rain, so no complaints from me. :-)
Nice for stopping by, leaving a kind comment.
Sweet greetz to you.....

Hello Harry,
i know you know it for sure....
Great how you describe spring, indeed so full of life, lust for life.
Fall is my favourite season.
A hug for you!

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Hallo liebe Rachel,

so good to see you here again. I'll check your blog, hoping your blogging again?
So good also reading your sweet comments. I can heaar your laughter like soft little bells. :-)
ich wunsche dich alles gutes.

Hello Green whisper,
thank you for the sweet hug. All is well overhere, i hope you are doing fine also.

Anonymous said...

This one is very inspiring...it makes me want to draw more!