
The mysterious world of MONICA CROESE



These i made on artschool, also a long time ago. You had two or three minutes to draw the model before she changed her pose. That's such fun. So you learn to let it go and leave out the unnessecary things. It'll be great to do again because sometimes i think too much as i paint and that blocks me from what i want to tell.


Elisabeth said...

Wow, Momo. Your talent was there right from the start. These are wonderful.

It seems you also had good teachers at school and good opportunities to practise.

Manon said...

You were extremely talented right from the start! You're so right that sketching this way is freeing!

Rachel said...

Liebe Monica,

Dass das Anfänge sein sollen, kann man gar nicht glauben, für mich sieht das schon total gelunen aus!

Ich drück dich fest!

lieb, Rachel

Caio Fern said...

fantastic ... the second one really arrested my attention ....
wonderful works Luna !

kenflett said...

It is wonderful to see these Momo.

Momo Luna S!gnals said...

Tnx Elizabeth,
yes it was fun to draw this way. You learn a lot about it, about making choices and not drawing too much details. To exercise the eye.

It's absolutely freeing Manon. :-)

Tnx Rachel, you have to work very quickly and that's ofcourse a challenge.
Sweet greetz!

Glad you like them Caio, my favourite is the first one.

Thanks Ken, nice to see you around. And i'm happy to see that you posted a new post. Hadn't the time to comment yet, but will do in a minute or so. ;-) I'm always looking forward to a new post from you.

shana goetsch said...

i love these!